During the Covid-19 pandemic, TANN corporation is deemed an essential business and will continue to provide services to our customers. We realize businesses must continue to operate, and the thermal oxidizer is an integral part of the production process. Our employees’ and customers’ health are of the utmost importance. If you need a site visit our […]
Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer for Odor Control
TANN Corporation took on the project of building a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) for odor control on an animal rendering plant in Minnesota. In a thermal oxidizer, odor causing compounds are destroyed the same way as other volatile organic compounds (VOCs): they break down between 1200°F and 1500°F before being emitted to atmosphere. The RTO […]
TANN Corporation Installs TR5595 Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer
This Spring, TANN Corporation installed a new 55,000 SCFM Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) in Central Mexico for an automotive part manufacturing facility. The oxidizer was designed to operate at 6100 ft above sea level with special considerations made for the possibility of seismic activity in the area. In this process, particulate isn’t a major issue […]
TANN Corporation Installs 3x TR1395 Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers
In May of 2017, TANN Corporation shipped and installed a set of three 13,000 SCFM regenerative thermal oxidizers on a new paint line for a major automotive manufacturing plant in Mexico. This project offered a unique challenge because of the limited available space at the plant. There wasn’t enough room to build a thermal oxidizer […]
50,000 SCFM Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer with Air-Water Heat Recovery System
Recently, an automotive interior/exterior supplier on the east coast came to TANN looking for an engineering solution to their future expansions. The customer had two regenerative thermal oxidizers that were installed in 2000 and another installed in 2011 and knew that over the next two years they would be adding ovens to increase capacity by […]
TANN Corporation to Attend International Converting Exhibition 2017
From April 25th to 27th of 2017, TANN Corporation will be attending the International Converting Exhibition in Orlando, Florida. You can find us at booth 1209 at the Orange County Exhibition Center. This year there are projected to be more than 300 exhibiting companies and thousands of visitors at the three day event. Along with stopping by our […]